
THE WEBSITE IS READY: www.karenbeaudin.com


Thanks to Sara Powell Smith the website is finished and “A Child Is Missing” can be ordered.  The books ordered now through my website, www.karenbeaudin.com are first editions and will be signed and dated with the date I received them, 4-1-2010 .  You can also order through Tate Publishing at  http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=978-1-61566-725-3  

The release date for  “A Child Is Missing” will be May 18th 2010.  At that time the book will be available in warehouses for bookstores to order and also available through places like Amazon. 

I thank God for giving me the courage and the strength to take on the great task of telling Kathy’s story.  As I said before, it was done during a great trial in my life and with many tears. 

I want to share one of my favorite quotes with all those who have been in the place of many tears.  Which most have probably been at some point in their life.

Washing Irving:    There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief…and unpeakable love. Washington Irving

‘THERE IS A SACREDNESS IN TEARS’  I believe that with all my heart.

5 thoughts on “THE WEBSITE IS READY: www.karenbeaudin.com”

  1. Wow Karen-what a great book. I read it through the night, I couldn’t put it down. I know I can never imagine what you and your family went through and are still going through, but at the same time I related to a lot of emotions and feelings you felt as a young teen-ager going through your hurt, pain, and trials. Thank you for opening up your heart and also for letting us know your little sister Kathy just a little bit better. She really did seem like a very giving, thoughful, and sweet girl.
    I know the Lord has been carrying you through it all-
    Love Ya,


    1. Thanks Rosalie,
      Life can be quite a journey and one at times we would rather not take. We learn to press on, but the scars are left behind. Kathy was a beautiful girl and I miss her.


  2. Karen,
    I just finished your book last night and there are no words to express what a beautiful tribute your book is to keep your sister’s memory alive as well as express to law inforcement how important it is to get the justice Kathy so deserves. You are an absolute inspiration to anybody and everybody. God bless you for continuing to stay strong throughout several years of loss for you. You have inspired me to deepen my individual relationship with God. I am so so sorry that you have had to endure so much sadness throughout your life. I am praying for good things to fill your life giving you happiness. I am anxious to read your next book but haven’t been able to find it yet.


    1. Kim,
      It means so much to me to know that A Child Is Missing touched you like that. It is a blessing to know that the goals I had set in writing this book are seen by others.
      I have not started to write the second book. I’ve spent so much time interviewing past investigators, law enforcement, victims’ rights advocates, and Kathy’s friends that it put me behind the schedule I had hoped for. A total of twenty five interviews and I have several left to do. I personally did each one, I felt it was important to do them in person. The information I received is valuable and the next book will enlighten many on the process of a murder investigation and how it can be hindered by other forces.
      Kim bless you for taking the time to contact me.


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